등록일: 2013-06-20 21:33:52

첨부된 파일에서 볼 수 있듯, 쓰여있는 알파벳을 하나씩 해석하면 됩니다
?: your client unchoked the peer but the peer is not interested
D: currently downloading from the peer (interested and not choked)
d: your client wants to download, but peer doesn't want to send (interested and choked)
E: peer is using Protocol Encryption (all traffic)
e: peer is using Protocol Encryption (handshake)
F: peer was involved in a hashfailed piece (not necessarily a bad peer, just involved)
H: peer was obtained through DHT.
I: peer established an incoming connection
K: peer unchoked your client, but your client is not interested
L: peer has been or discovered via Local Peer Discovery
O: optimistic unchoke
S: peer is snubbed
U: currently uploading to the peer (interested and not choked)
u: the peer wants your client to upload, but your client doesn't want to (interested and choked)
X: peer was included in peer lists obtained through Peer Exchange (PEX)
D = Currently downloading (interested and not choked) 현재 다운 중(연결되어 있고 차단되지 않음)
d = Your client wants to download, but peer doesn't want to send (interested and choked) 당신의 클라이언트(사용 중인 토런트 프로그램)은 다운로드를 원하나 상대가 보내려 하지 않음(연결되어 있으나 차단됨)
U = Currently uploading (interested and not choked) 현재 업로드 중(연결되어 있고 차단되지 않음)
u = Peer wants your client to upload, but your client doesn't want to (interested and choked) 상대가 당신한테 업로드를 원하나 당신의 토런트 프로그램은 그러려 하지 않음(연결되어 있으나 차단됨)
O = Optimistic unchoke 양호한 소통
S = Peer is snubbed 상대가 기가 꺾임
I = Peer is an incoming connection 상대가 연결되고 있음
K = Peer is unchoking your client, but your client is not interested 상대가 당신의 클라이언트를 차단하지 않고 있으나 당신의 클라이언트가 연결되지 않음
? = Your client unchoked the peer but the peer is not interested 당신의 클라이언트가 상대를 차단하지 않으나 상대가 연결되지 않음
X = Peer was included in peerlists obtained through Peer Exchange (PEX) 피어 교환을 통해 피어 목록에 포함됨
H = Peer was obtained through DHT. 상대가 DHT를 통함
E = Peer is using Protocol Encryption (all traffic) 상대가 프로토콜 암호화를 사용:모든 트래픽
e = Peer is using Protocol Encryption (handshake) 상대가 신호 변경을 통해 프로토콜 암호화
L = Peer is local (discovered through network broadcast, or in reserved local IP ranges) 상대가 로컬에 위치(네트워크 방송이나 예비 로컬 아이피 영역에 있음)